Just got done from "vacationing" (aka--visiting family six hours away). Since we took a detour to St. Louis, my parents graciously offered to watch our dog for a week. I will pick her up when I pick up my son on Monday (couple of bonus days for one-on-one spoiling with the grandparents).
Bedtime last night was . . . weird. First, when I put down my footrest, I checked for the dog. Obviously, she (all 70 lbs. of her) wasn't in her usual spot right underneath me. I went to the sink to get my nightly water and refill her dish . . . not necessary. I always grab her a snack at bedtime . . . again, not necessary. I walked the steps and was ready to give my sleeping son a kiss goodnight--he is sleeping at the grandparents. (I would not dare open the teen girls' rooms for fear of violating some unwritten teen/parent code--ha! ha!). As I walked into our bedroom, I asked my husband if I could bring him water & a snack and kiss him on the head goodnight. He looked at me like I was crazy. Crazy--probably. Creature of habit--most definitely.