Last night was try-outs for my two daughters and the school volleyball teams. We discussed this last year, but I had the discussion this year about try-outs. Both my girls are in that middle 50% of sports (imagine that . . . my daughters are the median volleyball players). They could get placed either on the A team (with a really good tryout) or the B team (for anything less than really good). I hope they both make the B team. The B team is more about acquiring skills and having fun; the A team is about winning . . . a acquiring skills. I'd rather they be one of the better players on the B team than the worst player on the A team. When they are in 8th grade, maybe the goal of the A team would be better. The girls agreed with this.
My sixth grader had her tryout first. Her sister tried psyching her out by telling her how the judges don't care about anything . . . even if you get hurt. Drama! Fortunately the younger had enough sense to tune the drama queen out. She came out as happily as she went it. It was volleyball. She had fun. Let's see what happens.
My eldest, of course, was upset the whole way home because she was "the worst" at overhand serves. What happened to you thought the B team was a better fit for you? You were supposed to be OK with this. You said so. You cannot take it back!
We'll see what unfolds when the results are revealed in the next day or so. . .
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