Friday, February 26, 2010

Preschool Shave

I teach pre-kindergarten three mornings a week.  Even though my teaching license is 7th-12th grade English, I've been in early childhood ed. basically since my second child was born almost a dozen years ago.  This age group is so pure and so innocent.  The things they say crack me up daily. 
The other day we were writing a letter in shaving cream.  One of the "older" students in the room looked at me and said, "I am going to shave on Saturday.  It's not a real shave.  It's just a practice shave."  He was so sincere in his statement.  I'm just relieved to know it was only for practice.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I absolutely love the dental office we utilize--from the office manager, hygenist, to the dentist.  My oldest, daughter, cannot stand to go.  I wonder how bad it would be if the office personnel wasn't so kind and wonderful.  Keep in mind that not once did she ever have anything other than a routine check, x-rays, and cleaning.  She often is too scared to go into the room, and she'll make her younger sister go first.  She'll then sit in the waiting room and wring her hands uncontrollably.  She's often in tears when the hygenist works on her.
Today was the first EVER appointment that my 13-year-old didn't get completely stressed about.  I did hear her tell her dad about her dislike for dental appointments.  I am relieved that maybe we've crossed a bridge so she doesn't have to get so stressed out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting Motivated

I was looking through some blogs, and I've got the urge to quilt (much like my urge to run), but I haven't done much yet.  I say that--but I did pretty much start and complete one quilt already this year.  It was for our school's fundraiser which includes a silent auction.  My pre-K students picked the fabric for their handprint which I stitch down on the block.  Each child wrote his/her name, which I transfered to their block and embroidered.  The picture below is the top completed.  I always hope to get more out of the quilt (moneywise) than I put in.  It did OK this year--got twice as much last year.  

I belong to a prayer shawl ministry that accepts quilts, blankets, etc. to be blessed, bundled, and sent to people in spiritual or physical distress.  That should motiviate me too.  I just don't know where to start, but I do have at least three projects in different stages.  One is completely pieced and marked.  I've started handquilting it.  I was cleaning and found log cabin blocks (12 X 12) that I should just sew together.  I also have a third project that I've laid out, but need to sew together rows of flying geese.  Perhaps the first step would be to quit reading about all of these awesome quilting blogs, unplug the computer, sell the kids/dog/husband, and just get to work. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

He Misses Me

I've recently have decided that in the next two years (or situations may speed up this necessity to next school year) I will need to teach full time.  I'm struggling with this for many reasons . . . and will probably write about other reasons later.
Two days a week my children are "latchkey" kids.  My son I guess got off the bus, went inside the house, and started crying about the pain of an injury he sustained . . . four hours ago at school.  My oldest was whining a little about her wimpy brother.  I asked her if she stopped to think WHY he was crying.  Every single day she got off the bus while in kindergarten, I was there and gave her all of my attention.  Poor guy is just needing a little love . . . I assume from his mother.  (I can do that for another year or two, right?).  Or maybe he's like his sister--just a little whiney.

Good news--he has seemed to recover from this injury and will OK!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's That Smell?

In my mini-rant, I forgot about a funny story.  My son came home from school and cleaned out his bag.  He mentioned that some of his stuff got wet because his backpack was wet.  I have no earthly idea what craziness possessed me, but I smelled the "wet" papers.  I have a pretty strong stomach, but I honestly thought I was going to start gagging and heaving right them.  Upon investigation--I discovered what I thought was a totally saturated bag of smashed cheez-its (I was totally emptying his bag to take it outside to air out). 

My son's reply, "Oh--that's not cheez-its.  That's a bag of carrots and celery."
My reply, "You mean the carrots and celery we served for a snack ten days ago during your star week?!?!?"
They had become pulverized in the baggie, then the half-rotted veggies had seeped out of the bag contaminating everything.

I think he's becoming a typical boy!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cat Fight--Keep Out!

OK--a bit of complaining.  A mom telephoned to let me know about an incident at school.  Specifics are not important; it was petty "kid stuff" that children need to figure out on their own.  Honestly, I would be thankful if someone was forthright to inform me if my child is misbehaving; however, this call just irritated me.  In short, the woman's child believed my daughter took something of hers.  The child asked my daughter, who  in turn told her she did not take a missing item.  I reiterated to the mother that my daughter told me she didn't take this item, and I have no reason to believe different.  (This daughter is very honest--though I know my own children are not perfect). 
The mother proceeded to tell me about issues w/ another girl and her daughter dating back a couple of years.  After about five seconds of this, I said that I was sorry this was occurring, but how does this concern me or my daughter.  I don't get in the middle of my children's fights.  She tried again, but I again repeated that I wasn't sure at this point how this concerned my daughter.  I just think parents should let their children work out smaller, day-to-day issues.  How will they learn conflict resolution if their parents are micro-managing every part of their lives?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lent Begins

Today is the official start of Lent.  Many people on FB have posted what they are giving up.  I'm all for giving up something, but as I told my children--why are you giving it up AND/OR what are you going to replace it with?
I gave up weekday television.  I don't watch a ton, but the first thing I wanted to do when I came home from work at noon was watch a program.  Before you know it, and hour or two is gone.  I'm replacing television in the daytime (aka--time w/o my kids at home) reading spiritual works and writing.  At night, I'm replacing television with easier reads and more time w/ the children. 

I also use Lent as my dietary "reset" button--new year's resolutions don't work.  I don't eat restaraunt food (or drive thrus) during lent--including drinks.  I'm also cutting back on sweets and replacing those cravings with my mandatory five fresh fruits/veggies a day.  Seems easy, but when we get running around . . . 

I'm on serving #2 now--should easily do the rest during supper.  The money I save I'll put into something charitable (either a church donation or materials for our church's prayer shawl ministry) and I'll be taking better care of the body God gave me. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who Lit the Torch?

I remember the Olympics being such a big deal when I was a child, and really up until lately.  Maybe my lack of enthusiasm is because it is the winter Olympics--I much prefer the summer.  I just am not excited this time around.

My husband and I were at the school's fish fry/fundraiser working the night of the opening ceremonies.  I didn't even realize I was missing it until someone said something.  The next morning I asked my daughter who lit the torch for the Olympics.  "I don't know, " she replied, "maybe Fergie."  Wow!  I guess I'm not the only one who is disconnected from the winter games!

Going Rate for Babysitters

My husband and I attended the school fundraiser on Friday evening.  Before dad got home, I asked my 6th grader what would be an appropriate "payment" for a co-babysitter who is babysitting a well-behaved brother for a max. of six hours.  Her reply, "How about twenty bucks?"  My reply, "For you both to split?!?!?"

The funny part about this is that I read my daughter's "social media" page.  She was bragging how all she had to do was to sit on the couch and snap together the ocassional Lego to keep her brother happy.  I am quite certain that they did absolutely nothing while we were gone (I was back in four hours) except watched TV, ate snack, and surfed the internet.  When I called, I told them they should have their brother go upstairs to bed.  The last hour, they didn't even have to pretend to do anything.

What WOULD be reasonable compensation for this?  Could I write it off as "family obligation"? 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

More Science Project Drama

The infamous science project is due on Monday.  The first day of Christmas break I told my daughter that she needed to spend 1.5 hours on it during the next two weeks.  She CLAIMS she spent 30 min., but I'm not sure.  Fast forward six weeks.
The girls were told that during volleyball season (which has now started) that I would not be driving them to sleepovers nor would we be hosting.  Friday's volleyball practice was cancelled because the weather was supposed to get bad, so I let my oldest spend the night at a friends.  "I promise I'll work on my science project right when I get home."

I picked her up at 11:00.  At 4:00 she was in my bedroom crying that she didn't want to do her project.  As mixed up as I think her written report is, she followed the teacher's instructions.  Each piece has already been written, turned in, and evaluated by the teacher.  In short--she has to decorate the tri-fold board.  Really!?!?  Tears over decorating when you've completed the difficult part?!?!?.  Being such a fabulous mom, I reminded her of what I had requested the first day of Christmas break, and how I had also predicted the weekend before she'd be crying over the project.  I'm sure that helped alleviate the stress of the project.  Now that I think of it, I must be clairvoyant.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guess Who's Forty?

Yesterday was my 40th birthday.  Actually I welcomed it, and as predicted, 40 feels the same as the year before.  I did tell my students and my own children that now I'm officially "old."

So my goal was to run 4 marathons  before I turned 40.  I finished the 4th last fall.  Now I need a new exercise goal--because I don't find exercise convenient for me.  I rarely "crave" exercise.  I was looking out at the sleet (supposedly preceding a snow storm).  Maybe I could make my goal to complete 40 miles each month I'm 40.  The breakdown is ten miles a week.  That seems reasonable, right?  Perhaps since the weather is bad I can start . . . next month?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Catholic Schools Week

This week is Catholic Schools' Week at our school . . . and it gets crazy.  Sunday we had our campus Open House.  Monday the kids had to dress up (vs. the former "Wacky Wednesday" which I hated).  I love this day since all the children dress up (out of uniform).  The cafeteria is set up like a fancy restaraunt, etc.  Tuesday was wear your favorite sports team apparel.  Tomorrow is mini sessions at our K-3 building.  I will be making homemade salsa with twenty kids (divided into 3 groups).  Friday is a special mass, pep rally, and talent show.  We cannot forget that Thursday is the 100th day of school--with the appropriate clothing and 100 day poster.  Did I mention my son's star week is next week?  Oh . . . and Valentine's day activities.  Oh . . . volleyball for both girls started.  Oh . . . my son's basketball "game" on Sunday.  Oh . . . and I need to finish a quilt by next Friday's fish fry/auction.  Whew!!!!!  Perhaps I should just waste time away on the computer and then take a nap!  What would an average mom do?