Saturday, August 7, 2010

Simple Abundance

A long time ago, I was given a book written by Sarah Ban Breathnach entitled Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy (my copy was published in '95).  There is a section for each day of the year.  The topics are full of variety, tons of quotes, and a section called "Joyful Simplicities" for each month of the year.  This is basically a book for you to stop and be thankful for the most simple things in life. 
I rediscovered this book when deep cleaning the basement.  This book doesn't replace (and I hope the author is not egocentric enough to think that is should replace) my bible and other religious practices.  The book is just a sweet way for me to slow down and look at some specific elements in life.  For example, today's entry is on animals.  Tomorrow's in on antiquing.  I should list 101 things for which I am thankful.  Sounds simple, but I get so caught up in life that I tend to overlook those beautiful things around us.


  1. I love making lists like that. I once 'made' myself make a list of things I liked about myself - it was such a difficult exercise but well worth the effort.

  2. I love that idea, The Green Girl . . . for everyone else--ha! ha! I think we forget that even through our imperfections, we are still a gift from God. I may have my daughters do this list the next time they speak negative about themselves.
