Monday, December 31, 2012

To Do List for 2013

I don't do New Year's resolutions; I often to Lenten promises.  However, Running Green Girl (Running Green Girl Blog) gave me a better idea.  I did a smaller "to do" list in 2012.  In 2013, I hope to accomplish the following:

Attend 100 masses
Create on online photo album for 2013
Start online photo album for daughter 1 (high school years)
Start online photo album for daughter 2 (high school years)
Read 100 books (I read 80 in 2012)
Teach son to swim
Force . .  . I mean . . . encourage more strongly son to ride his bike
Paint my bedroom
Recaulk upstairs windows (if not replacing)
Attach new weather stripping to front door--10

Log 100 30+ min. exercise sessions
Renew professional membership
Complete level 2 catechesis certification
Go geocaching five times with my son
Run one road or trail race
Replace toilet seat in main floor bathroom
Replace toilet seat in bathroom in master bedroom
Plant a new perrenial
Finish daughter 1’s quilt
Finish daughter 2’s quilt--20

Send 100 thank you notes
Revise my resume
Get a full-time teaching job (or pick up a tutoring student to generate more income)
Volunteer 25 hours to church-specific tasks
Grow strawberries in the garden
Take the main library’s grant-writing class
Volunteer 25 hours for mommy/school (son) tasks
Volunteer 25 hours for mom/school (daughter) tasks
Complete (and eat) one batch of canned veggies
Work on my “for fun” blog--30

Work on my teaching blog
Spread a load of dirt around yard and near house
Mulch landscaping in spring
Complete (and eat) one batch of freezer jelly
Enter 100 personal journal entries
Get my annual female exam
Enter 100 prayer/religious journal entries
Find a general  practice physician
Work on writing with son and “his blog”
Print up new curriculum on individual (numbered) cards and laminate--40

Create a vocabulary journal for students in 7th grade
Create a literature notebook for 7th grade
Teach daughter 1 to drive and get license
Get my eyes checked and order much-needed bifocals
Teach daughter 2 to drive in late autumn/early winter
Continue to reduce the amount of waste in trash can
Compost even more
Participate in National Write a Novel month
Continue being diligent with making purchases when on sale
Drink more green tea vs. coffee--50

Utilize more paperless techniques with family
Utilize more paperless techniques with teaching
Be able to do 100 sit-ups
Be able to complete 100 push-ups in one day
Explore more herbal remedies for headaches and minor ailments
Plant more herbs this year
Purchase an indoor herb container
Set up a Google docs account for school
Set up a “teacher” Goodreads account for my students to view
Create artwork for master bedroom--60

Create artwork with Fiesta ornaments
Start setting money back for Christmas (like I did for husband’s computer—cash only)
Purchase new lamps for living room
Recaulk children’s bathtub/shower
Restock car’s first aid kit
Renew CPR/first aid certification
Eat and review a new fruit each month
Reorganize kitchen
Eat and review a new veggie each month
Discover and review a new main course recipe each month--70

Discover and review a new side dish recipe each month
Drink three water bottles (reusable, of course) each day
Get a manicure/pedicure with my girls to kick off summer
Begin to organize family photos
Organize household paperwork (including old checks, receipts, tax returns)
Create a family emergency binder
Download a “classic” song and a “new” song from itunes each month
Discover and review a new desert recipe each month
Purchase new cushions for outdoor chairs
Purchase a reading nook chair for my bedroom--80
Find a desk and refinish (if necessary) for son’s room
Purchase a food processor
Donate old television in our basement
Find a coffee table of sorts for front entry of house
Go to a garage sale
Purchase an immersion blender
Go antique shopping just for fun
Organize two service projects through school
Create an art or creative project each month (and be brave enough to post pic)
Send great-gma a monthly letter (vs. phone calls)--90

Organize online video resources on a teacher acct.
Purchase a microplane grater
Catch lightning bugs
Play in the sprinklers with the kids
Have a water balloon fight
Make homemade icecream for neighborhood kids
Try a new wine each month
Take a writing course, a writing workshop, or join a writing group (formal or informal)
Learn to make rosaries (for Rosary Club)
Pray one of the hours 100 days this year (thanks to the iphone app)--100
I better get started . . . well, on the wine part anyway.  Happy New Year!!!!



Friday, December 28, 2012

He Doesn't Ask For Much #1

When my son was just four days old, he was in a kindergarten classroom for his sister's Star-of-the-Week family day.  He was attending the YMCA basketball games at two weeks old.  And he continues to just tag along anywhere we need him to go with rarely a complaint.  He doesn't ask for much.

At Christmas, we cover about 1,000 miles in four or five days.  He has to wait to get home to play with many of his gifts--including two very cool "gross science" experiment kits.  I promised we would do them when he gets home.

After four nights away, we finally arrived home to a snowy home--having to shovel the drive to pull into it then proceeding to unpacking the van, laundry-palooza, etc.  Got things under control and fed everyone.  My husband had a dinner engagement with friends.  The girls went upstairs to catch up on computer/texting.  My son went to the basement (aka--"kid cave") to chill and watch televsion.  I poured myself a glass of wine, lit the fire, turned on a movie only appropriate for moms, and huddled under a new Christmas gift quilt.

No joke--three minutes later, my son walks upstairs to ask, "Hey mom, if you are not too busy, could we please do a science experiment now?"  As if that wasn't sweet enough, he adds, "If you are too tired, we can wait until tomorrow."  It took mom super powers to smile, put my wants on hold, and swab bellybuttons, between the toes, ears, and nostrils.  He was thrilled.  And guess what--the wine, fire, and movie was just fine later.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayer for the Blessing of Children

This blessing comes from the older Roman Ritualor Collectio Rituum from 1954. It has been revised since then, but the former one can still be used.
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth.
V. Our God is full of mercy. R. The Lord has care for little ones.
V. O Lord hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
V. The Lord be with you. R. And with your spirit.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Who, begotten in eternity, yet didst will to he born in time; Who dost love the innocence of childhood, and didst lovingly embrace and bless the little children who were brought to Thee: anticipate the needs of this child (these children) with Thy tender blessings, and grant that no evil may corrupt his (her, their) mind, but that advancing in age, in wisdom, and in grace, he (she, they) may live so as to please Thee always. Thou Who dost live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
May the peace and the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son + and Holy Spirit, descend upon you and remain forever.
R. Amen.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Coveted First Dip of Peanutbutter

OK--one of our standing family jokes/conflicts/competition is who gets to open the new jar of peanutbutter and be the FIRST to insert the knife.  Brand new peanut butter looks so perfect and smooth, compared to a jar that has been shared with us five savages.  Last two times, my younger daughter won the task, and she was nearly tackled both times in an effort to prevent her from making that first swipe.

This morning, I noticed she was scraping the bottom of the jar of peanutbutter, but managed to get enough for her school lunch.  I had just purchased a two-pack at Sam's.  When everyone left the house, I--in all my maturity--carefully opened the multi-pack, lifted the lid, and used a toothpick to write a message.
"Too Late" was written with a toothpick.

I then sealed the jar back up without ever removing it fully from the package.

I placed the package back in the pantry and will wait to hear the shrieks when it is discovered what I have done.
Not sure why these loaded sideways--they are the right way in my computer file--hum?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mom of the Year

My Mom-of-the-Year nomination story.   My daughter is now ready to get her driver's permit (she could have gotten it in July, but was not ready).  We got up early (first day of T-giving break!) to be there when it opened.  I got all the necessary documents and more . . . just in case.  I had both of our social security cards, our tax returns, our insurance cards, our mortage papers, her school id, an envelope sent to her at our address, and her birth certificate.  Or so I thought it was her birth certificate.  After the 35 min. drive to the place and ten minutes standing in the wrong line, we finally were where we needed to be.

The lady looked at our birth certificate--you know, that piece of paper we needed to get her registered in TWO different school districts, that we needed for taxes (I believe) at some point, and that we needed for life insurance policies.  Well, who knew the little foot print thing with a seal is not a legal document?  We had three kids in three different states--and the last one they told us we needed to do some extra "stuff" that we found weird.  I thought our poor children had two fairly intelligent parents with SOME common sense--now I wonder!

Long story shorter--two wasted hours, tears of disappointment, and paperwork to get into the mail so we can try again when the REAL birth certificate comes in.  Aaaahhhhgggggg!  Even then, it is ANOTHER six months before we can get the real liscense!  I'm going to be a taxi driver to my children forever!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Card Shower

I have a friend who was diagnosed with cancer just over a year ago.  Only close family and relatives are allowed to visit, but many of us so want to help.

We decided to throw her a card shower.  If you go to the following link ( ), the website does all of the hard work for you.  You can even post the invite on a facebook page.  We hope this fun little burst of love helps take away some of the isolation she is feeling. 

This cite would also be great for special birthdays, etc. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Teacher Pic #2

I was trying to do some cross-curricular writing with students.  They worked on a paper describing a piece of art by Matisse. 

It is a little hard to read, but the student wrote the following:  "Henri made a good choice of making those how he did.  He had those nice, genital, brush strokes, . . ."  Wow!  I have heard of finger painting; however, Matisse (according to this student's paper) has moved this to a whole new level!

Teacher Pic #1

I love that this student too the intiative to cover his workbook.

I am also relieved to know that my job as an ELA teacher is probably secure.  There will always be a need. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

No . . . CLIFFORD turns 50!

Yesterday I stated the following to my class:  "Guess who turned 50 today!"

The instantaneous response from one student:  "You?!?!"

I'll take my frazzeled-looking, 42-year-old body and crawl into the hole I came!  Ouch!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Love the Ten Words

Made it to day ten of work without coffee stops.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 10

High teenaged stress at home; glad I'm not a teenager.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 9

High school day 11 for daughters--first day no tears!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 8

Today is Tuesday, and I'm craving my Friday adult beverage.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 7

Second week of school.  I feel I'm four weeks behind.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 6

I fixed broke toilet.  Saved us the $100 plumber bill.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day5

National Do Not Call list doesn't apply to government campaigns?!?!?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 4

Listening to husband's schoolgirl giggles over recent Prince Harry photos.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 3

Like fat, wrinkles should be placed where ever you choose.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 2

I thought I lost my son at my own school!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ten Words for Ten Days--Day 1

Why do school pictures cause so much teen girl drama?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Creature of Habit

Just got done from "vacationing" (aka--visiting family six hours away).  Since we took a detour to St. Louis, my parents graciously offered to watch our dog for a week.  I will pick her up when I pick up my son on Monday (couple of bonus days for one-on-one spoiling with the grandparents).

Bedtime last night was . . . weird.  First, when I put down my footrest, I checked for the dog.  Obviously, she (all 70 lbs. of her) wasn't in her usual spot right underneath me.  I went to the sink to get my nightly water and refill her dish . . . not necessary.  I always grab her a snack at bedtime . . . again, not necessary.  I walked the steps and was ready to give my sleeping son a kiss goodnight--he is sleeping at the grandparents.  (I would not dare open the teen girls' rooms for fear of violating some unwritten teen/parent code--ha! ha!).  As I walked into our bedroom, I asked my husband if I could bring him water & a snack and kiss him on the head goodnight.  He looked at me like I was crazy.  Crazy--probably.  Creature of habit--most definitely.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Too Much Girl Stuff

I have three children--two girls (ages 14 & 15) and one son (age 8).  My son has been pulled everywhere since he was three days old and in a kindergarten classroom for show-n-tell.  My husband used to travel, so all he knew was girl stuff.

I drug him with us to shop for my daughter new cross country running shoes.  We walked out of the running store, and he was smiling from ear to ear.  "Hey mom!" he said.  "Did you know that 75 to 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra?"  He learned this from a sign above the sports bras (A sign which I did not see).  He giggled.

Daddy took him to the park to play basketball this weekend.  Ahhh!  Testosterone!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Will New Batteries Help?

My sister left for the Biggest Loser's Utah ranch/resort today.  She wanted to lose ten pounds before she left--which she said she did.  She wants to lose a minimum of twenty pounds the month she is there (just her and her weight loss plan--no kids, husband, etc.).  She hopes to lose another ten before school starts.  In total, she would like to realistically lose 75 pounds.
To show camaraderie with her, I have been eating better (and logging my food) and exercising.  For every ten pounds she loses, I hope to lose one (or two).  So in the past three weeks, I have gained 1.5 pounds (up three pounds from my lowest weigh-in).  I think our cheap, 10-year-old scale is askew, so I have moved it to a thousand different locations in our bathroom--same results.  So I asked my daughter to weigh her tiny self.  According to the scale, she's gained five pounds in a week (not possible).  My husband shouted out the "muscle weighs more than fat" crap to me--I shot him a dirty look.
I changed the battery in the scale; I gained one pound (vs. two) for the week.  My daughter's weight seemed more in line from previous weeks.  My husband then shouted, "What is this?  Change the battery until you get the weight you like?"  I off to buy new batteries--ha! ha!

Monday, June 11, 2012


A couple weeks ago I was cleaning the front porch area.  I moved the two planters that flank the door to sweep behind them.  Next I went to the . . . EEEEEKKKKKK! . . . lights.  For a brief second I thought I was going to pass out.  SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate spiders.  Arachnophobia--maybe.  Probably.  It is difficult to tell in this photo, but on that light fixture is a large, fake, black spider.  Obviously, we rarely use the front door--this "spider" was left from Halloween.   After my heart rate returned to normal, I had to chuckle at myself.  The spider went straight to the garbage can.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A New Low

Since October, I have put on ten pounds.  Fortunately, I have a thinner frame; however, I'm more disgusted at how out of shape I am--of which the weight is only a symptom.  I'm trying to recommit (AGAIN!) to a regular exercise routine.  Yesterday, I went for a walk (with a few running minutes) on a three mile loop.  I, for the first time in my life, could feel my belly bobbing up and down.  Eeeewww!

My sister (who will be going to the Biggest Loser Ranch in a week) is trying to make some serious lifestyle changes (she reports wanting to lose 75 lbs.).  Perhaps I can show my support for her by eating better and exercising more--we both win.  Having the same genetic make-up, I cannot let this current weight gain become a trend.  Let's hope my last three mile loop before the end of summer is jelly-belly free!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Homemade Granola

I love granola, but it is expensive.  I also like controlling the ingredients (two of my children do not like dried fruit in their granola).  I make a batch every other month or so.  Makes the whole house smell yummy!
Recipe is as follows:
4 cups old-fashioned oats  (NOT instant oatmeal!)
1.5 cups of almond slices (or slivers)
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon (I use closer to one teaspoon since we LOVE cinnamon)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla

Oven = 300 degrees F
In a large bowl, mix oats, almonds, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt.
In a small bowl, warm oil and honey (I use the microwave for 30 or so sec.).  When warm, whisk in vanilla extract.
Pour liquid over the dry ingredients.  Stir to coat all.  I use two parchment-paper-covered baking sheets.  Spread granola out.  Bake a total of 40 min., tossing the mixture every ten minutes.

When cooled, you can add dried fruit.  Store in an air-tight container for a couple/few weeks . . . if it lasts that long.

First Day of Summer Break

Yesterday was the first day of summer break.  I actually exercised (three mile walk/run), cleaned, volunteered at the high school, geocached (for the first time), made granola and several loaves of zucchini bread.  I took a shower right before bed and fell asleep immediately.  
The bread is very tasty (and I did not need to waste my CSA zucchini!).  Below is the recipe:
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 cups sugar
2 cups shredded zucchini (do not peel--you want the skin)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
lemon zest (this really makes a big difference)
My family prefers no nuts; however, you may want to add a cup of chopped nuts

Mix flour cinnamon & nutmeg, baking powder & soda, and salt in one bowl.  Combine sugar, zucchini, veggie oil, eggs, and lemon zest in another.  Combine (and add nuts if desired) ingredients from both bowls.
Bake in greased/floured pans at 350 for 55 minutes--until a toothpick comes out clean from the center.

Makes TWO 8 X 4 X 2 loaves (or six mini loaves--less baking time).

This recipe freezes very well!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It Is Summer!!!!

I have finally checked out of my classroom.  It took longer than expected since I was told at the last minute I was switching classrooms--Uggghhh!  My 8-year-old son came with me to school for two hours and helped me finish up.  He works for Legos--win! win! for everyone!

I was hoping this summer would be MUCH quieter than last.  I think (and hope!) it will be better, but not quieter.  One daughter starts summer school P.E. on Monday.  The other starts four times a week cross country practice.  I need to look into starting at least one daughter with the orthodontist.  Same daughter turns 15.5 at beginning of July--needs driving school.  I'm doing "S.A.T. prep" with the older daughter and friend (aka--skill refresher for sophomore year); forcing the other daughter to join.  Vacation bible school.  Reading novels for 8th grade class I'll be teaching for the first time next year.  Visit to see family for a week or two in Illinois.  I need to start (again) to exercise.  I also use summer to deep clean and reorganize our home so we can systematically destroy it through the following school year.  Good thing I stopped at Sam's on my way home from school so we can eat well through the process!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fourteen Days . . . But Who Is Counting

I absolutely LOVE my job.  I teach junior high students part time.  However, this school year we did not have one snow day.  Not one delayed start.  I think I am nearly as ready as the students to be done.  We have fourteen more school days--including today.  I only have ten more class days to assign grades.  I had better shower, grab my red pen, and get to teaching.

I think I can . . . I think I can . . . I think I can . . .

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Putting Hallmark Out of Business

This morning I was showered with cards from my family.  My two teenage daughters each made me a card signed by "your favorite."  My son was bobbing up and down because he was so excited to share what he had made for me at school.  He, too, gave me a homemade card with the handcrafted work of art for Mother's Day.  

My husband handed a pretty pink envelope across the table to me.  My son's disgusted reply, "Oh nice dad.  Way to give a store-bought card!"  
Hallmark should be thankful that not all who give cards are eight-year-old boys or they would be out of business.

Happy Mother's Day for everyone who fills a motherly role in one fashion or another!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Spring break started for me and two of my children on Good Friday.  I'm using the week to get caught up on some deep cleaning, book reading, and quality napping.  Nothing fancy.  I'm right in the middle of this break and have made progress on all fronts.
I came across this article about home sizes around the world.  (Home Sizes Around the World )  I believe I have close to the average size U.S. home.  My house is about 1/3 deep cleaned.  If I lived in the UK, I'd be done!  Something to think about while cleaning the other 2/3 of the house.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mommy's Little Helper

It is the end of the quarter, and I was swamped with paperwork (papers to grade, quarterly assessments to review, reports to complete, etc.).  I was cranky and took it out by complaining to my sweet husband.  He decided he was going to run two errands--one being the grocery store to take care of lunch and dinner.  (I typically shop for the week on Saturday/Sunday).  Who and when is going grocery shopping for the rest of the week?

I forgot to mention that I was at the school for several hours on Saturday--he said he would take care of Saturday night's supper.  When we returned home from church, he asked me, "What do you want for supper?" knowing I gave up fast food/restaurants for Lent.  He and the kids ate Taco Bell.  I had soup.

He came back with frozen pizzas for lunch--yum!  For supper, he fixed Prego spaghetti and placed some cheese-&-crackers on a platter--antipasta?  He also made jello--about 30 minutes before dinner.  My youngest was so disappointed to learn it takes hours for jello to set up.  My husband was just so proud of himself--mommy's little helper.  My two daughters caught on how proud he was--it was cute and funny!  However--now I am starved.  I need a REAL meal with vegetables and protein.

Heaven help us when I officially work full-time!

Monday, March 19, 2012

That's Not Too Expensive!

I was a little taken aback when I opened mail concerning details of my freshman daughter's time to order class rings.  Wow!  She really IS in high school.  I don't know if it really hit me until now.  (I'm not the quickest rabbit in the race!).  My husband was out-of-town overnight, so I used one of the 50,000 magnets on our refrigerator and pinned the flyer up so I wouldn't lose it.

My husband was assisting in dinner preparation last night, when he said, "What's this?!?!" and pointed to the flyer.  I told him how it was time to order class rings and our daughter was interested. 

"Wow!  The prices aren't too bad," he replied pleasantly pointing to the $75, $150, and $200 marks on the page.

"Uh . . . honey," I said gently.  "That money is for the DEPOSIT!"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Missed Bus & the One I Couldn't Escape

I always make sure my kids are at the bus stop BEFORE the required time--today was no exception.  I monitor them while they are waiting (nice warm March 1st morning--wierd), and thought I heard the bus stop about a block before its normal position.  Sure enough, I went to the front door and watched the bus zoom past my children.  Must be a substitute driver. 
I told them to wait a few more minutes while I got dressed to take them to school--just in case the bus circled back.  It didn't.  My husband took my daughter to her campus.  I, with my bead-head and all, took my son to his campus. 
After dropping off my son, I got back on the main road to head back home to a shower.  I was in the left lane and noticed children waving crazily from the bus in the right lane--they were my own students who I will see later in the day.  I passed the bus--whew!  I could stop waving.  Then stoplight.  Bus passed me.  More waving.  Stoplight.  This continued for about ten akward minutes.  Too bad I gave up any food not fixed in my home for Lent or Tim Horton could have saved me.  I'm sure I will hear about this later in the morning.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Science Project . . . Continued

So the dreaded science project was turned in and displayed with all other classmates at the Science Fair our school hosts each February.  I was an excellent ribbon on my daughter's board, and didn't really think much else about it.  I'd say nearly 2/3 had this ribbon or the superior on it.  Overall, I think she got a "B" or "B-" on the project.
The next day at lunch (I work at the same school my daughter attends), the science teacher leans over and says, "Oh by the way.  There was a scoring error.  Your daughter made it on in science fair." 

It was one of those moments where you are happy and proud as a parent, but are simultaneously thinking "Oh crap!  Another commitment to add . . . and for something that really was not EARNED."  Nonetheless, I congratulated my daughter, and we are off to regional science fair in a couple of weeks.

Monday, February 6, 2012

I Survived the Jr. High Science Project

For the third . . . yes, THIRD consecutive year, we had crying the night before the science project is due.  I (the most cold-hearted mother in the world) stood and shook my head for the third year in a row.  In late October the last three years, I have informed my daughters the following:  "Please, do not wait until the last minute to do your science project.  I would be more than happy to help; however, I will NOT help the day before it is due."  Last night, as is tradition, my daughter came downstairs in tears realizing that her board she started yesterday afternoon (did I mention it was due today?) had incorrect data charts.  I looked at the clock and said, "It's 9:30--you'd better get reprinting."

The funny part of this is that my youngest cannot wait (or so he says now at the ripe old age of eight) to do a science project.  He already has his topic picked out.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No Shower Tonight

My second grade son is opposed to showering . . . actually any form of bathing.  Last night we participated in a conference call with about 25 people to say the rosary with a woman undergoing a serious cancer procedure.

By the time we were finished, it was approximately 7:30.  My son in formed my husband and I that he would have taken a shower, but he was too busy saying the rosary. Well, if you need a good excuse . . .

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Productive Vacation

We had fourteen days off of school for Christmas break.  Today will be the only day I actually "work," but I'll be playing catch up for the next two hectic weeks.  Nonetheless, I was somewhat productive.  I LOVE before and after pictures--they are so concrete in showing progress.

Before I started cleaning the kitchen complete with the travel cooler, snacks, garbage, mail, newspapers, etc.:

And after--I even baked yesterday and it is still pretty clean!

Progress.  Maybe a before/after picture of the dining room--the dumping ground when we return from travels.  I cleaned it, but cluttered it again with the school stuff I need to complete today.  If I get a clean "after" picture, that means I was twice as productive.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dating Website?!?!?

Our eight-year-old son informed my husband and I that he will be visiting a dating website before he gets married.  We were a little shocked by this information--he still only has internet access on our computer in the middle of our main floor, right?!?!?

He went on to explain he wanted to view this site to make sure he and his wife had something in common. 

I think some mommy and daddy dropped the ball by allowing their child too much television freedom over break.  Thank goodness school resumes in two days--no television or dating websites on school nights!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions--Who Needs Them?

I spent the last two days recovering from the holidays before I begin my back-to-work routine in about an hour watching television, internet surfing, napping, and endless errands.  I don't usually do new year's resolutions--I save them for Lent.  However, this year I've discovered I don't need any.  I watched Supersize Me--my food intake is fabulous compared to this documentary.  I also watched numerous episodes of Hoarders--which makes me look like a housekeeping genius.

New Year's Resolutions?  No thanks!  I'm good.