Monday, December 31, 2012

To Do List for 2013

I don't do New Year's resolutions; I often to Lenten promises.  However, Running Green Girl (Running Green Girl Blog) gave me a better idea.  I did a smaller "to do" list in 2012.  In 2013, I hope to accomplish the following:

Attend 100 masses
Create on online photo album for 2013
Start online photo album for daughter 1 (high school years)
Start online photo album for daughter 2 (high school years)
Read 100 books (I read 80 in 2012)
Teach son to swim
Force . .  . I mean . . . encourage more strongly son to ride his bike
Paint my bedroom
Recaulk upstairs windows (if not replacing)
Attach new weather stripping to front door--10

Log 100 30+ min. exercise sessions
Renew professional membership
Complete level 2 catechesis certification
Go geocaching five times with my son
Run one road or trail race
Replace toilet seat in main floor bathroom
Replace toilet seat in bathroom in master bedroom
Plant a new perrenial
Finish daughter 1’s quilt
Finish daughter 2’s quilt--20

Send 100 thank you notes
Revise my resume
Get a full-time teaching job (or pick up a tutoring student to generate more income)
Volunteer 25 hours to church-specific tasks
Grow strawberries in the garden
Take the main library’s grant-writing class
Volunteer 25 hours for mommy/school (son) tasks
Volunteer 25 hours for mom/school (daughter) tasks
Complete (and eat) one batch of canned veggies
Work on my “for fun” blog--30

Work on my teaching blog
Spread a load of dirt around yard and near house
Mulch landscaping in spring
Complete (and eat) one batch of freezer jelly
Enter 100 personal journal entries
Get my annual female exam
Enter 100 prayer/religious journal entries
Find a general  practice physician
Work on writing with son and “his blog”
Print up new curriculum on individual (numbered) cards and laminate--40

Create a vocabulary journal for students in 7th grade
Create a literature notebook for 7th grade
Teach daughter 1 to drive and get license
Get my eyes checked and order much-needed bifocals
Teach daughter 2 to drive in late autumn/early winter
Continue to reduce the amount of waste in trash can
Compost even more
Participate in National Write a Novel month
Continue being diligent with making purchases when on sale
Drink more green tea vs. coffee--50

Utilize more paperless techniques with family
Utilize more paperless techniques with teaching
Be able to do 100 sit-ups
Be able to complete 100 push-ups in one day
Explore more herbal remedies for headaches and minor ailments
Plant more herbs this year
Purchase an indoor herb container
Set up a Google docs account for school
Set up a “teacher” Goodreads account for my students to view
Create artwork for master bedroom--60

Create artwork with Fiesta ornaments
Start setting money back for Christmas (like I did for husband’s computer—cash only)
Purchase new lamps for living room
Recaulk children’s bathtub/shower
Restock car’s first aid kit
Renew CPR/first aid certification
Eat and review a new fruit each month
Reorganize kitchen
Eat and review a new veggie each month
Discover and review a new main course recipe each month--70

Discover and review a new side dish recipe each month
Drink three water bottles (reusable, of course) each day
Get a manicure/pedicure with my girls to kick off summer
Begin to organize family photos
Organize household paperwork (including old checks, receipts, tax returns)
Create a family emergency binder
Download a “classic” song and a “new” song from itunes each month
Discover and review a new desert recipe each month
Purchase new cushions for outdoor chairs
Purchase a reading nook chair for my bedroom--80
Find a desk and refinish (if necessary) for son’s room
Purchase a food processor
Donate old television in our basement
Find a coffee table of sorts for front entry of house
Go to a garage sale
Purchase an immersion blender
Go antique shopping just for fun
Organize two service projects through school
Create an art or creative project each month (and be brave enough to post pic)
Send great-gma a monthly letter (vs. phone calls)--90

Organize online video resources on a teacher acct.
Purchase a microplane grater
Catch lightning bugs
Play in the sprinklers with the kids
Have a water balloon fight
Make homemade icecream for neighborhood kids
Try a new wine each month
Take a writing course, a writing workshop, or join a writing group (formal or informal)
Learn to make rosaries (for Rosary Club)
Pray one of the hours 100 days this year (thanks to the iphone app)--100
I better get started . . . well, on the wine part anyway.  Happy New Year!!!!




  1. Great list! I'm contemplating a list. Will have to give it some thought.

  2. It's so much fun to read other people's lists. I love the fun things you have on yours - like catch lightning bugs and have a water balloon fight.

    Please share when you set up your indoor herbal planter - I am very interested in seeing how you do it and how it turns out.
