I think (though I am almost too nervous to post) that my ultimate fantasy may come true tomorrow. I've asked my husband to do this for me for years. I have not been alone in my own home for more than a few hours since my oldest child was born--back in the 1990's. Frequently, I travelled to Illinois with my three children (and no husband) to visit all of our family for either one long or a couple short visits. I've hinted, asked and begged my husband to take them for a weekend . . . WITHOUT ME.
Guess what?!?! I think he is actually going to do it! I could be alone in my own home from noon Friday until Sunday afternoon!!!!!!! My plans include hot uninterrupted baths, reading, and a bottle (or two) of wine. Not one more expectation. Just me, myself, and I. Not inviting friends. Solitude. If only I could get my husband to take the dog . . .
::all fingers and toes crossed::