Friday, June 10, 2011

Proud Mother

My oldest child graduated from eigth grade last week.  I thought this would be an emotional event for me since she has attended the same private school with the basically the same sixty kids for the past nine years.  The public high school she will be attending has nearly 3,000 students (bigger than the entire town in which I grew up!).  I felt very at ease with this transitioning because I've seen large emotional, social, spiritual growth in her over the past year.
The only point I was emotional is during the awards ceremony.  My daughter is like me--she works fairly hard for every "B" she gets.  She's not a star athlete.  Most of the awards ceremony was dedicated to scholarship winners going to Catholic high schools.  There were approximately five awards, however, that were voted on by peers.  My daughter won the "Nicest to Everyone" award.  I was overwhelmed with joy and pride for her and the choices she has made.

Now that we've settled into summer, I wonder when I have to have the talk with her about how nice girls finish last--that is what I am currently going through, but that's another post.

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