Thursday, July 15, 2010

Running & Pilates?

Yesterday I ran five miles solo--and it felt really great.  The weather was cooler, though it was very foggy.  I then completed one hour and fifteen minutes of a pilates video with two of my children.  It was truly a sight to behold!  I don't know if my stomach is sore from the workout or from laughing at myself and kids trying some of the moves.  Either way--it was great for me.

The comic caption says,
"Who's the clown responsible for ordering this exercise equipment?"

I need to do more than run.  I dislike lifting weights.  I don't belong to a gym.  I've done some do-it-yourself pilates before, but I need to be more committed (pilates would help my terrible posture).  My husband bought a REAL bike last summer, and I have toyed with the idea of riding.  Today, I am leaning toward investing in a good stationary bike.  I've started investigating good exercise bikes--maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas.


  1. Love the comic! I wish I could run 5 miles! Great job!

  2. Good luck figuring out your non-running activities. I kickbox and occasionally do pilates.
