Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Speaking of Exercise . . .

Speaking of exercise, you can log your workouts at Running Ahead http://www.runningahead.com/.  I've used it for two or three years.  The site is free and sincs with all those techy devices.  I don't own, understand, or desire any of those devices.  I also use Daily Mile to keep up with some Facebook friends.
My problem with both sites:  where do I log in the five hours I spent painting yesterday?!?!?!  It was obviously a workout because my arms weight 40 pounds each this morning, my back is stiff, and the back of my legs have some tightness.  Should I just log this in as a five-hour run?  Do my daughter's walls count as a track?  Does the paint brushes and paint rollers count as weights?  How should I log the 5,000 trips up and down the ladder (a stairmaster, perhaps?).  Maybe I should email the companies with my suggestions.


  1. you can create custom activities on running ahead. i log lawn mowing and milk runs. surely those count as exercises.

  2. Oooh, shopping should be up there too! I hate grocery shopping, and the time and effort it takes should be equivalent to a 6 mile run at least!
