Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Parent of the Year Entry #2,173

We had to talk our mellow, sedate son into playing intramural basketball (for kindergarteners and first graders).  They play for six weeks:  30 min. practice and a 30 min. game.  Perfect for this age.  My son is actually showing some interest in this activity.
I felt ill on Sunday.  I didn't want to infect anyone, so I did not attend my son's game.  My husband, who informed just this weekend I didn't need an Iphone and he was about to get rid of his since he didn't use it much, did attend the game.  When they came home, I waddled downstairs and asked my son how it went.

"I made a basket!" my son beamed. 
My husband spun around and responded, "You did?!?!"
"Yeah dad, when you were playing on your iphone."
My husband is scheduled to have his iphone surgically removed from . . . well . . .

To daddy's defense, he claims he only had it on for about thirty seconds.  I can neither confirm nor deny this statement.

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