Sunday, March 14, 2010

Least Favorite Day

Today is my least favorite day of the year--that dreaded "spring forward" time change.  I'm crabby because I spent five hours at volleyball yesterday and another two hours at a b-day party (might write about that later).  My husband left this morning at 5:00 a.m. (formerly known as 4:00 a.m.) for a two week stint in Hawaii.  I spent another two hours to & from a volleyball game, came home to eat, and another two hours at a second game.  Growl!!!!!!!!!!  It's been rainy.  I wanted to log a few miles and didn't.  I haven't done my lesson plans for next week yet (and the state inspector is coming in on top of it all).  I was hoping to work on a couple of projects, but didn't get organized enough to do either.  Whine, whine, whine.

I'm a crab.  I'm going to blame my bad attitude on the time change.  I'm grabbing a book, and the kids and I are headed to bed (after I eat a piece of blueberry pie and icecream!).  A good night's sleep is a recipe for a good week. 
I will NOT be cranky in the morning. 
I will NOT be cranky in the morning.
I will NOT be cranky in the morning.

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